The abbey under stars

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Aulps Abbey is offering a day and night devoted to the sky and the stars. Thanks to its privileged geographical location, at a distance from the lights of Saint Jean d'Aulps, the abbey tends to become a new place of observation the time of an evening.
Alongside Erwan Le Berre, mountain guide, astronomy enthusiast and manager of the association Randonnées et astronomies and Cosmic'Événements, young and old alike will have the pleasure of observing the stars and stars, first with the naked eye and then with a telescope. On the programme: Planetarium sessions starting in the late afternoon; limited number of places per session: bookings strongly advised. Followed by observation with two sky exploration instruments.


Adult: 7 €, Child (6-16 years): 3.50 €. Free entry for children < 6 years.


961 route de l'Abbaye, 74430, Saint-Jean-d'Aulps
Wednesday 6 August 2025 between 5 pm and 12 am.